Last updated 
June 19, 2000

Elemental Fury



Realm Fantastica
Elemental Fury
Earth Creatures

The four-legged haeratchin looks somewhat like hyena with coarse fur, a thick mane along its neck and back, and a short tasseled tail. They stand about 3 feet at the shoulder, and weigh up to 180 pounds. Their usual habitat is semi-arid regions and grasslands, where they hunt or scavenge at night. 
Haeratchins live together in packs where the female is at the top of the hierarchy. Mating can take place at any time of the year, and there is surprisingly little fighting among males for a female in season. Usually, a male tries to impress a female and if she is interested, then she'll accept; if not, then she'll ignore him. Gestation lasts about three months, and the usual litter size is two. 

A ratchin looks somewhat like a dog or hyena with coarse fur, a mane along its neck and back, and a short tasseled tail. It walks upright and stands about 4 feet tall. Their usual habitat is rocky, semi-arid regions, where they spend the hot part of the day holed up in their dens. Their favorite food is small rodents, hares, and lizards. 
The mating season starts when winter does. Several males may fight for an unmated female, but once bonded, a male and female ratchin may stay together for life, both helping in the rearing of the young. Three to five cubs are born after a gestation of three months, in the beginning of spring. Parent ratchins are fiercely territorial and protective of their young, sometimes attacking creatures up to twice their size. 

A rynx looks somewhat like a pale leopard with a long muzzle. They are muscular, four-legged animals that stand about 2 1/2 feet at the shoulder and weigh about 100-150 pounds. They live in tropical woodlands, spending much of their time in the trees. Their preferred prey are large birds (such as the didderbong), frogs, and snakes. 
Mating can take place at any time of the year. The dominant male in an area has rights to all females whose territories overlap his. After a gestation of eighty days, the female gives birth to two or three cubs, whom she alone rears for the next two years. 

A yaergden is a bear-like animal with a bad additude. They are large, standing about 5 feet at the shoulder (when on all fours) and weighing up to 1500 pounds. Their preferred habitat is deciduous and coniferous forests with grassy meadows nearby. They are omnivorous, feeding on plants and berries as well as animals. 
During the autumn months, yaergden are busy fattening up for their long winter sleep. Mating also takes place in autumn. Yaergden are polygamous, with females usually picking the older and more experienced males to mate with. In the winter in the seclusion of her den, after a gestation of four months, the female gives birth to two or three cubs, whom she alone rears for the next two years.

Wind Creatures

The didderbong is a four-legged, flightless bird that lives in the trees of the rainforest. To avoid being eaten by the rynx, of which they are a favorite prey, they live in flocks, each one providing a lookout for everyone else. Adult didderbong are 2 feet at the shoulder, 7 feet long from head to tail (one third of this length being tail), and weigh on average 60-70 pounds. Didderbong are amazing jumpers, leaping from tree to tree in search of their favorite food, fruits and nuts.
Male didderbong are showier than their female counterparts, and use their "good looks" to impress as many females as possible during the mating season, which starts in early spring. In late spring, the females leave the flock to lay their eggs and raise the young on their own. When the young are old enough to run amongst the trees with the adults, their mother introduces them to the flock. 

Water Creatures

Surface-skimmers are animal-like plants that live in the ocean. A large flap on a surface- skimmer's back serves as a giant leaf that takes in energy from the sun as it skims along the surface of the water during the day. When threatened, a surface-skimmer can swim away quickly with its fish tail or snap with its toothless dolphin beak. If not preyed upon, a surface-skimmer can live as long as 500 years.

Fire Creatures

There are many different types of dragons, living in all sorts of places. But since their progenitors were created by Zurinkel, the fire goddess of the sun, they are considered fire beings. Dragons are powerful, intelligent creatures that can be the help or bane of other beings. Dragons are divided into three major types: Land, Sea, and Winged. 
Dragon, Land
Land dragons are wingless and flightless. They prefer warm climates, such as deserts and rainforests, where they sleep in the open. The rare land dragons who live in cold climates lair in rocky hills. 
Dragon, Sea
Sea dragons live in the water, usually the large oceans, but can sometimes be found in rivers or lakes. 
Dragon, Winged
Winged dragons are capable of flying, and often make their lairs high in the mountains where only flyers can reach.

Contact J.D. Gross
J.D. Gross, the creator of Elemental Fury, may be reached at:

Elemental Fury material is © J.D. Gross. All rights reserved.