Last updated 
June 19, 2000

Elemental Fury



Realm Fantastica
Elemental Fury
People of Earth
Dwarf (Gaehngtak)
Dwarves are human-like in appearance, but are usually half as tall and twice as wide. The males grow long beards which are the pride of their race. The favored habitat of dwarves is in the mountains, where they delve elaborate cities underground. Many dwarves spend their lives as craftsmen, shaping metal and stone into practical tools and structures. Dwarves worship Gaehng the Master Craftsman, who is perceived as a male dwarf. Dwarven society is patriarchal. Dwarves practice marriage, which is often prearranged, with one person usually marrying another from the same class. 
The average adult dwarf is 3.5-4 feet tall; despite their short stature, members of this stocky race can reach 100-150 pounds. The average lifespan of a dwarf is 250-300 years. 
Dwarves call themselves the Gaehngtak, meaning "God's Chosen."
Human (Hulinor)
One of the most adaptable of the races, humans live in many places and make many livings. Humans favor flat plains with forests nearby so they can farm and get the wood they need for building, and they prefer moderate climates with enough rainfall to grow the crops they need to sustain their people. Humans worship Gairunan the Earth Mother, who is perceived as a female human. Despite them worshipping a goddess, most human societies are actually patriarchal, with names and inheritance being passed from father to son, and leadership roles falling on the shoulders of males. 
The average adult human is 5-6 feet tall, 100-250 pounds, though some may be larger or smaller depending on the sub-race. The average lifespan of a human is 50-70 years. 
Humans call themselves the Hulinor, meaning "Earth's Workers." 
Nomad: Nomads are gypsy-like humans who live a nomadic life, wandering about in their wagons and making a living of trading.



People of Wind

Elf (Elarhahn)
Elves are human-like in appearance and height with some distinctive differences, such as pointed ears, slanted eyes, and immortal beauty. Neither the males nor females grows facial hair. The original elves live among the trees of Foristen Spirarnen in a sacred place called Hazhura, where they are said to have originated from two elves--Reyahan and Lorindel, who were created by Mikhaera's wind, which constantly blows there. Unless slain, elves can live forever. 
Elves call themselves the Elarhahn, meaning "Spirits of the Wind." 



People of Water

Mermaid/Merman (Meridan)
The merfolk are a people who know much about the healing arts. They worship Leohtane the Storm-Bringer, who is perceived as a mermaid. Merfolk live in water, preferring the wide oceans and seas where the other races leave little impact besides their passing ships. Merfolk society is matriarchal, based on the family unit, though a merfolk family is not like a human family. A mother's children--male and female--live with her for the rest of her life. When a female is ready to have children, she will find a male of another clan to mate with, then return to her own clan to raise the children, where she will have the support of the clan, which is basically an extended family. The leader of the clan--the matriarch--is usually the oldest, most experienced female in the clan.
The average lifespan of a mermaid or merman is 300 years. Merfolk mature when they are around 50 years old. 
Merfolk call themselves the Meridan, meaning "People of the Sea." 



People of Fire

Ogre (Orchu) 
Ogres are fighters, engaging in destroying the world, mostly through warfare. Ogres prefer warm climates that are favorable to their sluggish blood; habitats where ogres freqent are volcanic mountains, swamps, and rainforests that are warm all year round. Ogres worship Boembiloth the War Goddess, who is perceived as a female ogre. Ogre society appears patriarchal at first glance, but it is actually the females who run the show. Ogres do not practice marriage--if an ogre wants somebody, he/she can usually get her/him. If an ogress, or female ogre, is denied by a male, she has the right to hit him. When ogres travel, even for war, females and young travel along. All ogres, including females, are taught fighting skills young. Positions of power are usually held by males, but decisions are usually made by a group of females who are "destined"-- chosen by the goddess to make decisions. Destined females don't have to be any more virtuous than any other ogre, but they do have to be attuned to their goddess, or they will lose her favor. Societal unit is the tribe, which is led by a chieftain and four priestesses. Priestesses are worshippers of Boembiloth, but are four to represent the four elements. In order to become marked for the priesthood, female ogres, upon reaching maturity, undergo a test to see if they have been chosen by the goddess. Those who pass may become priestesses when there is an opening. If there is an opening, but more than one chosen for the spot, there is usually a fight to the death, the loser becoming the sacrifice. The four priestesses--the Rga Boembiloth ("Beloved of Boembiloth")-- make the decisions and vote on a chieftain who serves as figurehead for the tribe. The chieftain is usually chosen from a group of males who've proven themselves. If there is a disagreement on whom the priestesses have chosen, then there may be a contest, which often results in death for the loser. 
The average lifespan of an ogre is 50 years. Age of maturity is 12 years. Average adult height is 6-7 feet; average weight is 300 pounds. 
Ogres call themselves the Orchu, meaning "Killers."

Contact J.D. Gross
J.D. Gross, the creator of Elemental Fury, may be reached at:

Elemental Fury material is © J.D. Gross. All rights reserved.